

澳门金沙app下载最近的正北晚宴上, 高级主, 史蒂夫·里诺·里德, honored the Class of '73 with the following address:


Hello and a particular welcome to Northwood’s Class of 1973.


Before I talk about Northwood and your senior year, I want to bring back some memories of the world we lived in during your final year:  




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The number 1 song – “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.” 


马克·施皮茨赢得了7枚奥运会游泳奖牌, The Dolphins had the NFL’s only undefeated season ever; Secretariat won the Triple Crown; Bobby Riggs beat Wimbledon Champion, 玛格丽特法院, in tennis; UCLA won its 7th NCAA championship. 

Led Zeppelin had the largest crowd ever for a single band concert and Elvis drew a larger TV audience than the Apollo landing. 

在那年的11月, Richard Nixon won in a landslide over George McGovern, 在三月, 水门事件每天都在新闻里报道.  

Here at Northwood, John Friedlander was in the eighth year of his Headmastership.  

由琳达·弗里德兰德指导, The Mirror won first place for small schools in the Columbia Journalism contest. 由汤姆·伍德曼编辑, the Epitome was low budget but had some of the best write-ups of faculty I have ever seen in any yearbook. The senior pictures were also hilarious: the photo of Rex Steele, 我们最聪明的人之一, slumped over a chessboard as Orville Douglas celebrated his victory is an all-time classic.  

The hockey team had four goalies -- one of whom was board member, Shawn George. 嘿,我们需要钱.) The team lost its best defenseman when Teddy Guest broke his leg in a September football scrimmage in Saranac Lake. 

Digression -- Those years in football, we were always short of players. 为了有一个完整的混战, 教练结肠, Bucken, 里德也会穿上, joined occasionally by first year teacher Greg Nevins and on one occasion by Headmaster John Friedlander, 谁觉得是时候让我们的明星铲球上场了, 维尼Cudiner, learned a little bit about playing against a pro (John had played in the CFL). 第一场比赛, 列队对抗维尼, 约翰站起身来, 维尼把头盔戴在肋骨上, 抓了两个. As John was shuffling off in pain, a freshman girl asked him “Mr. 弗里德兰德,你以前踢过足球吗?比维尼被挡道更痛苦的时刻. 

A painful, memory for me involved the class’s 1972 Olympian, Nordic skier, Joe Lamb. After one play in his junior year, he came off the field saying, “I think hurt my wrist.”  

“Go down 20 yards and catch a couple of passes,” I said.  

 他所做的. “疼吗?”?我问.   

“有一点,”他说. “回到那里去.” 

An X-ray that evening showed he’d broken his wrist. When the dad, Vern Lamb, came into my office Monday, I thought I was in for it. 他的评论是:“我想你会担心. 不要. 让他坚强起来.“时代变了。! 

回到曲棍球. 教练是最近的鲍登全美选手, 教育好, 25年后谁会是我们的校长, and our top line was a scrawny trio from the North Country – Jerry Stacey, 宝贝Ceglarski, 和格伦·托马斯. The Mirror reported that Glenn had 25 points mid-season. 后来他成了我们这里的教练, and is present tonight along with two other Northwood coaches who had substantial success at the college level, 布鲁斯·德尔文塔尔和马克·莫里斯. The team also featured Tom Songin, the first Northwood player to have a multi-year career in the NHL.   

时间会模糊很多记忆, but I can’t forget my friends on the faculty who taught you guys; they were a colorful group – Yockie, 哈利法, 约翰•斯科特, 迈克·汉纳, 和戴夫·希克斯. My favorite and true Dave Hicks story: in the mid -70s, he left Northwood to teach in Florida with former assistant head, 比尔卢梭. 戴夫死在那里的时候, 他的骨灰被送回了他的母亲那里, 海伦Stubblefield, 他曾和戴夫一起住在我们的海滨小屋. 骨灰在邮寄过程中丢失了, ending up eventually and appropriately where all lost mail goes, 在收信处. 

随着澳门金沙app下载在学术上的进步, 我想指出的是,即使在阿迪朗达克山脉, 日光之下并无新事. 你们有一些很棒的老师. Nowadays, we are proud of our STEM and independent study programs. 日光之下并无新事.  你们都记得很清楚, 我确信, the senior program; senior classes ended in April, and we filled the last few weeks with daily guest lectures and seminars and senior projects. Seniors that year completed environmental projects on Lake Champlain and the Saint Lawrence; I remember Fran Varga’s was on Ph levels in nearby Mud Pond. Bruce Conouyer did a topographical recreation of the battle of Gettysburg, Alex Bodian directed a student production of Antigone, Shawn George did a study of William Blake’s mystical poetry, and Darcy Prime did a beautiful needle point of the school seal (she later gave it to me), and I returned it to her this fall in San Francisco. During the year our students interned at the Cell Science Center and gained experience with computers at Ward Communications.   

We did pretty well on a limited budget to provide worthy educations.  I hope you take pride in what the school was and is. We take great pride in you and your accomplishments in life.